Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Silent Bullies

Assalamualaikum! Gosh! It has been a year exactly today!

So today I want to rant on the above title. [Edited]. SO this post is actually about people or person who don't have common sense.

A person taught me that I should never be too kind/friendly to anybody. Because being too kind will make you vulnerable to bullying. Silent bullying, caused by those with less or no common sense at all. This type of people is toxic. Really cause they are your friend, and you don't want to bicker over small things. But trust me, when these small things add up, and when you reached your limit, things could get ugly.    

What should I do? Well, a friend suggested that I should just use the same excuse over and over again until she digested it. If it takes forever, then forever it is! So for now, I will follow my friend's advice and see how it goes. Maybe then I will update on the next post (if I still remember the existence of this blog by then) :P

Ciao for now!

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