Monday, November 17, 2014

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty... and more

Assalamualaikum, y'alls!

                                                                                                                              (i don't own this pic)

Have you seen this movie yet? NO?! go NOW! eheh. 

You don't have the movie? Lemme give you a short synopsis.

So there's this ordinary guy named Walter Mitty (WM) who has an ordinary job as a negative processor at the LIFE magazine. Because his life is so ordinary, he likes to daydream, even in the middle of the conversation. So the plot begins when the magazine wants to reduced the workers as they're going to online magazine. For the last issue of the magazine, Sean O'Connor, a famous photographer, had sent a negative to WM and he claims it to be the quintessence of life. However, the negative goes missing and thus starts an unexpected journey for WM. The ending was touching that it made me cried (I won't tell you the ending here. Watch it yourself.)

This movie is actually good, absorbing but underrated. Plus, besides enjoying the affecting plot, you can enjoy the beauty of Iceland. Since I watched this movie, Iceland immediately made into my life bucket list. Also, there's this one song that got stuck in my head. 'Space Oddity' which is quite inspiring. 

This heart-warming movie inspires me each time I watched it. It's like 'Yeah, I can do this thing!' I can have some adventure in my life and by having adventures that doesn't mean I have to go travel somewhere far. Or the meaning of adventure does not necessarily means traveling somewhere or hiking a mountain. I can have little adventures in my ordinary life sometimes. Like few months ago, I was so bored this one weekend that I suddenly decided to go places around National Mosque all by myself. Maybe it wasn't much for others but for me it is a small accomplishment. I walked into the Islamic Arts Museum, and turned out YDP Negeri Sembilan was having a visit there too. After spending quite some time in the museum, I went uphill to the National Planetarium. I have been there before but that was 17 year ago. I went there for old time sake, just to relive those moments.*Yeah, I'm sentimental liddat* Anyhoo, that day was a success to me, going back home with satisfaction and literally a smile on my face. :D 

Here are some pictures from my little day-out

Inverted Dome (Islamic Arts Museum)

One of the domes in the museum. This one is my personal favourite.
Close up of the dome.

National Planetarium

Kuala Lumpur view from NP's observation deck (112m above sea level)

Also, recently, I went to indigenous people village, accompanying my friend for her research project. I was also very excited since it was all new to me. Observing how they lived their lives, in penury but
adequately enough for them. There were dogs around us, but luckily none of them chase us and two pigs lepaking around, looking for food.

Kids hanging around.near a small river

Bulat Faizah giving out candies for the kids.

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