Monday, November 24, 2014

A Mentally Challenging Night

Assalamualaikum and boa noite,
(WARNING: This is a looong post)

As I'm writing this, I just finished chatting with a guy who asked me about God and Islam. I did not see this coming as I was strolling around in the chatting place, and suddenly, wachaa! the guy showed up.

When he knew I was from Malaysia, he said he has just finished discussing about why muslims believe in god with another chatter. SO, I offered myself if he has anything he wants to ask. AND his first question was 'Why should we believe that god is kind-hearted?'

Bear in mind that, I am not a preacher, and I keep telling him that I would try my best answering his questions. ALSO, at this time I had tachycardia. Know why? Because I fear that my responds would not enlighten him, I fear that my answers would drive him away from Islam. But what I fear the most is, DO I HAVE THE RIGHT ANSWER?

SO, here's the conversation, *an actual conversation, word by word*: (A is him, Z is me)

A: Why should we believe that god is kind-hearted?
(After a long silence and I answered it badly that A was not satisfied with it. At this point, I had so many things to say, and I don't know how to start it. ) 
Z: God loves all of His creations. If you are a father, you would love your children, right? Of course you don't want your children to be harmed.It is us who choose to be in the wrong path which leads to bad things. (:O What have I answered?!)
A: Do you mind if I debate?
Z: Sure, but I am not a good debater.
A: I don't see why we should assume that god works by human psychology.

Z: (after realizing my mistake) We muslims do not compare god to human, as God is greater than us. And we would not compare god to any of His creations.
A: I thought you just did, no? I thought you said that god would love us the same way a human loves their children, no?
Z: That is like an analogy.
A: That's right! So i don't see why you are comparing god to a human.
(I was a bit pissed off, to myself for not explaining it clearly and to him for not understanding my analogy. :P)

Z: Maybe I put it in a wrong way. Ok, back to your question, then should we believe that god is evil?

A: Well, my question was just why we should believe he is kind-hearted?
(Ughh, so you don't have to answer my question, but I have to answer yours? Fine.)
Z: Well, He gives us life, He gives us things that we should be grateful for, He gives us tests in life so we would not forget Him.
A: I'm not getting how you're answering my question, sorry. Can you please clarify? Thanks.

Z: Which part of it you don't understand?
A: How giving us tests in life helps explain why we should believe that god is kind-hearted.
Z: We believe in praying to god, asking for His forgiveness and ask for all the good things in life from Him and Him only. And whenever we faced something bad in life, we would pray harder so that we could be more patience in facing the bad things in life.
A: I am really not trying to be difficult. I don't see how that answers the question of why we should believe that god is kind-hearted.

Z: Ok, let me ask you a question then. You'e an atheist,,so, what is your believe/opinions actually?
(A's answer was a bit lengthy, so I cut out a bit. hehe, but I didn't change anything)
A: I don't really know how the world got here, but in my mind it could have been  on its own. I think probably the claims of religions about the world are generally wrong. Am i answering your question?
Z: So you think the world somehow exists out of nowhere?
A: I said I don't know. But it is quite plausible to me.
Z: Everything has its creator. So do we,
A: But I don't see how this has to do with my question. Everything has its creator? I'm not sure I follow.
Z: Sure. People create this and that. but what creates human?
A:Their parents.
Z: But who created their parents? I believe you know the story of Adam?
A: Yes I do. (So he told me a bit about evolution theory)
Z: Muslims don't believe that humans are created from apes. But tell me your version of Adam story.

Aaacks! I forgot to printscreen this part of conversation! But he did tell me that Adam is created at the sixth-hour and created from the earth (I guess he meant clay).
I'm tired of writing it out.. I have this part of  the conversation before we end our conversation.



SO yeah. it was pretty intense for me for I don't have a deep knowledge on the matter but I really tried my best. I hope the guy would finally gets the right answer from a knowledgeable person. I really hope the best for you bro. #sisberharap

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty... and more

Assalamualaikum, y'alls!

                                                                                                                              (i don't own this pic)

Have you seen this movie yet? NO?! go NOW! eheh. 

You don't have the movie? Lemme give you a short synopsis.

So there's this ordinary guy named Walter Mitty (WM) who has an ordinary job as a negative processor at the LIFE magazine. Because his life is so ordinary, he likes to daydream, even in the middle of the conversation. So the plot begins when the magazine wants to reduced the workers as they're going to online magazine. For the last issue of the magazine, Sean O'Connor, a famous photographer, had sent a negative to WM and he claims it to be the quintessence of life. However, the negative goes missing and thus starts an unexpected journey for WM. The ending was touching that it made me cried (I won't tell you the ending here. Watch it yourself.)

This movie is actually good, absorbing but underrated. Plus, besides enjoying the affecting plot, you can enjoy the beauty of Iceland. Since I watched this movie, Iceland immediately made into my life bucket list. Also, there's this one song that got stuck in my head. 'Space Oddity' which is quite inspiring. 

This heart-warming movie inspires me each time I watched it. It's like 'Yeah, I can do this thing!' I can have some adventure in my life and by having adventures that doesn't mean I have to go travel somewhere far. Or the meaning of adventure does not necessarily means traveling somewhere or hiking a mountain. I can have little adventures in my ordinary life sometimes. Like few months ago, I was so bored this one weekend that I suddenly decided to go places around National Mosque all by myself. Maybe it wasn't much for others but for me it is a small accomplishment. I walked into the Islamic Arts Museum, and turned out YDP Negeri Sembilan was having a visit there too. After spending quite some time in the museum, I went uphill to the National Planetarium. I have been there before but that was 17 year ago. I went there for old time sake, just to relive those moments.*Yeah, I'm sentimental liddat* Anyhoo, that day was a success to me, going back home with satisfaction and literally a smile on my face. :D 

Here are some pictures from my little day-out

Inverted Dome (Islamic Arts Museum)

One of the domes in the museum. This one is my personal favourite.
Close up of the dome.

National Planetarium

Kuala Lumpur view from NP's observation deck (112m above sea level)

Also, recently, I went to indigenous people village, accompanying my friend for her research project. I was also very excited since it was all new to me. Observing how they lived their lives, in penury but
adequately enough for them. There were dogs around us, but luckily none of them chase us and two pigs lepaking around, looking for food.

Kids hanging around.near a small river

Bulat Faizah giving out candies for the kids.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

A New Beginning...

Assalamualaikum everybodeyh! How you doin'? krik krik krik.. *cricket sounds cause no one reads mah blog.wahaha*


This is my 2nd blog actually. Don't really know what drives me into making a new one, but I haven't deleted my old one. I guess this one is more...matured? blergh. 

Anyway, A New Beginning, but this doesn't mean the old one has to end. In any perspective, you should use the old one (be it bad or good experiences, etc.) as a guide to be a better you. 

(first attempt to sound matured) 

Blimey, whatevs! I'll be what I want to be, I'll write what I want to write, 'cause each entry could be inspired from different emotions. I'm a woman, 'course I have many emotions! See...?

So, emm, the existence of this new blog could be due to stress (or laziness) from lotsa works that I should actually do. But I am just a great PROcrastinator that I end up making a new blog. This, my readers, is what we call denying reality. I am pretty good at that.

**Let's the real business begins.**  

My name is *******, I am from Malaysia and I'll write either in English, Malay or a little bit of both. I am a student of Biomedical Science. The course is great, but after four years, after experiencing myself how laboratory life is, I came to a conclusion that, I DON'T WANT TO WORK IN THE LAB. Funny, don't you think? Well, I did like my course but it's the lab life that exhausts me. I mean, you don't get to see people much, you spend hella lots of time in the lab, and you'll need to read lots of science papers! The thing that mainly that makes me upset is the lack of human interaction. No, I am not an extrovert person, but it's good to have human communication, not machine communication which would eventually leads to a monologue and if you get caught doing it, you might be labelled as...crazy? Alas, I think every researcher does this.

Then, what will I do next? Find a rich guy and get married? Maybe. Work in the lab as a research assistant? No. Stay at home and be burden to mom? Hopefully not. But I've been eyeing psychology course for a Master's degree, InshaaAllah. Also, my mom had told me about 2 years ago,  to continue study. I guess my mom knows best for her children. She knows this great-minded child won't be with somebody and settle down in the near future. T.T 

We'll see how things go and tag along. But I think I have a strong feeling in psychology course. InshaaAllah. 

WTYL! (Write To You Later!)