Monday, July 27, 2015

Iri Liver

Huuu... Itulah yang mampu cakap kalau baca apa2 penulisan especially yang memberi kesan kat diri ni. Bukan apa, kagum plus jealous dengan orang yang mampu membuat hati tersentuh dengan artikelnya.. Betullah cakap Jamie Foxx dalam filem White House Down, 'Pen is mightier than sword'. 

EH! Rasa pelik pula tulis dalam bahasa Melayu, bukan apa, sebab saya ini jenis tidak reti main dengan bahasa. Jujur, saya selesa menulis dalam bahasa Inggeris, bukan sebab saya ni jenis yang "up" tapi sebab bagi saya senang menyampaikan dalam bahasa tersebut. Senang sebab maksud yang saya nak sampaikan itu..., sampai. Muhaha! 

Anyway, back to the topic. Yep, I AM jealous to those who can write well. Because they can write what they feel with the exact words, and with a correct errr... 'intonation'. This blog was not updated for a long long time. I actually have several unpublished posts and few others lingering in my mind but due to time constraint *mostly* and because I am not capable in writing and put the emotions in my mind into perfect words. I am not a 'flowery'(bunga-bunga) person, I am sort of a straight-forward person. Hence, the unpublished posts are all half-done and even until now the posts remain... half-done. LOL.

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