Wednesday, January 25, 2017






Saturday, January 21, 2017

Another movie post!

Assalamualaikum, howdy?

Is the above movie scene familiar to you? Yeah? High five!! This is one of my movies to turn to when I'm feeling blue, just because of this scene alone. My mind is always blown each time this scene is on. Watching the whole movie would left me in tears and through those tears, I could let go of my stress and worries before that and feel anew.

What triggers me of writing this post is that the past week I have been reading about mental disorders in a famous confession FB page. A few confessors confessed about how they dealt/dealing with psychological disorders. Some are because of traumatic childhood experience and some are due to depression. I am not going to comment on their disclosures because I know the feeling those confessors are enduring. Been there done that. It's hard to say if I ever recover but I am  better now.

Anyway, this post was meant to be a some kind of a motivation to myself to start changing myself. Because only I can make it better only if I keep telling myself that.

P/S: The movie name is Bridesmaids (2011)

À plus tard!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Today is the first anniversary of my staying in a local university. I am a registered research student for 4 months now, but only recently I feel more passionate in finishing my research. I know, wasted of time kan. InshaaAllah  this year I am much wiser. Enough of the shenanigans. InshaaAllah this zeal is here to stay and NOT fade away! :D

A year here taught me more of life. I learnt how to deal with people not from my usual 'bubble' and I sort of have to get one leg out of my comfort zone. And of course like any other places I've been I acquainted with few people with less common sense. Ughhhhh. Just when I thought I wanted to start 'new -.- Anyway, to come and think about it, in terms of activities, I actually didn't actually do much. Hmm, wha have I been doing all year?! GOSH! Oh well, 2016 is in the past now, and like many people around the world would agree, 2016 did suck. 

So for this new year, let us make a change to the world by changing ourselves for the better. :) 

P/S: 2017 resolution, more posts maybe? :P