Friday, September 4, 2015

It's Morphin' Time

GO GO POWER RANGERS! *insert hyped up Power Rangers theme song* 

I'm sure most of us had watched this series at least once in our lives. But do you know, other than the 6 famous Rangers, there is another Ranger? However this one Ranger does not cause the field to explode whenever she poses. This Ranger has no enemy ( at least one that is known) and this Ranger can't fight. WAIT.... if she can't fight, then what makes this Ranger a Ranger then? Well, this Ranger ain't no like any other Ranger, because this Ranger is a Lone Ranger, and I'm proud to say that I am one. LOL. 

I like to use that word whenever I go out alone. I am not lonely people, it's just that I like to have time for myself too. Going out alone makes me more alert of my surroundings. I like to observe people you see and I often thought to myself why would a person do such and such? or what leads them to act such a behaviour? 

Being alone also makes you more approachable. But this one has its :) and :( . The :) is when you meet unexpected people who could turned out to be a friend, while the :( is when the people could also be a foe. Or the in betweeners, like a salesperson. :P

In my experience, I met so many people on my journey to a destination but I will always  (so far) remember the three of them. 

I met kak L at a bus station. It was already late evening and I was waiting for the bus to my hometown, but because I started my journey since the morning, my phone battery was already low. I need my phone so that I could call my sibling and be home safely. And so I panicked, searching for the electric socket. When I found one, there was a lady using the other socket so I sat beside her. Another episode of terror occurred as the phone just won't charged. Talk about bad timing, huh! So I had to asked the lady and she lent me her charger without hesitation eventho she was charging her phone. It was also a lucky day for me as the lady too is using the same phone brand as mine. So, while waiting we introduced ourselves. After the phone was charged sufficiently, we headed to the cafe (her treat :D ). Personal stories were exchanged over dinner and so were phone numbers. 

I met NC while waiting for the ERL. She was heading to Putrajaya and I, to TBS. She initially inquired me about the train schedule and thus begin our conversation. She is a New Yorker but currently living in Taiwan. She had traveled to several states in Malaysia. She used to study about the river turtles in Terengganu and really like the 'blue rice' in Kelantan. :P Her research about the turtles intrigued me because I never knew river turtles existed. I thought there's only the sea turtles. (FACT: river turtles do not have the mechanism to get rid of the salt water from its body). We continued our conversation in the train until I reach my destination and waved goodbyes. We are still in touch (sometimes) through fb.

I met S in KL Sentral. S is in her 50-ish from Missouri and was travelling alone. S was facing a difficult situation where her passport and purse were stolen. She had been sleeping at the McD for the night. She told me she wanted to go to a church nearby and needed one Ringgit for the bus fare. I was, of course, skeptical of this. After all, I was alone. After talking to her for some time and seeing her tired yet tense expression, I decided to dispose off my prejudice and helped her. 

I will miss all Lone Ranger moments as I don't go out much whenever I'm home.